miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Enchanting a disenchanted child: revolutionising the means of education using Information and Communication Technology and e-learning

Enchanting a disenchanted child: revolutionising the means of education using Information and Communication Technology and e-learning

Liz Beastall
University of Hull, UK

The Department for Education and Skills currently shows a high regard for the potential of technology transforming the British education system. Government White papers demonstrate e- learning-based unification strategies that reinforce the message that introducing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will raise standards in schools. This paper examines the effect of these developments on teachers and pupils, and questions the government's motivation for change. The introduction of ICT has not been complemented by increased levels of effective profes- sional development for teaching staff in the pedagogy of ICT across the curriculum and may have merely served to reinforce the generational digital divide. In attempting to enchant the pupils, the government may have alienated the teachers. This paper suggests that the Department for Educa- tion and Skills should place more emphasis on developing strategies and providing funding for solutions to gaps in the professional development of teachers in their pedagogical understanding of ICT across the curriculum.


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